:: Werd Font Details (.TTF Download)

12 styles inside

:: Character Map

character map

:: File Contents(Werd .TTF Download)

Werd-DisplayOneTexture.ttf99 KBFont Filedownload
Werd-DisplayTwoTexture.ttf144 KBFont Filedownload
Werd-DisplayOneTexture.otf379 KBFont Filedownload
Werd-DisplayTwo.otf169 KBFont Filedownload
Werd.otf122 KBFont Filedownload
Werd-DisplayTwoTexture.otf504 KBFont Filedownload
Werd-Texture.otf441 KBFont Filedownload
Werd-DisplayOne.otf128 KBFont Filedownload
Werd-DisplayTwo.ttf74 KBFont Filedownload
Werd.ttf43 KBFont Filedownload
Werd-Texture.ttf113 KBFont Filedownload
Werd-DisplayOne.ttf46 KBFont Filedownload

:: Font Info

Font Name: Werd
Designer Name: PutraCetol Studio
Font License: Free for personal use
Author Website: https://putracetol.com/

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