:: Choko .TTF字体详细信息

字体类型: Cartoon, Fancy
Choko 字体作者: Måns Grebäck  author website

:: 字符映射表|字元对应表

character map

:: 字体包内容(Choko .TTF字体)

ChokoPlain.ttf141 KB字体文件下载
License - READ THIS.txt574 B文本文件查看
The Choko font was created by M�ns Greb�ck in 2011 but remained unreleased until 2016.

Place the different styles on top of each other to create a multicolor text.
If you have Photoshop, you can use the PSD file attached to the download to write anything you like.

This font can be used for any project, commercial or non-commercial, 100% for free.

Please like Aring Typeface on Facebook: www.fb.com/aringtypeface


For further information, please contact designer:

M�ns Greb�ck
[email protected]
ChokoPlain.otf44 KB字体文件下载
Choko.otf89 KB字体文件下载
ChokoShadow.ttf152 KB字体文件下载
ChokoShadow.otf45 KB字体文件下载
ChokoHighlight.ttf104 KB字体文件下载
ChokoOutline.ttf138 KB字体文件下载
choko_flag.png522 KB作品样张查看
Choko.ttf227 KB字体文件下载
ChokoHighlight.otf35 KB字体文件下载
ChokoOutline.otf53 KB字体文件下载

:: 字体信息

字体名称: Choko
字体设计师: Måns Grebäck
字体许可证: Free(Commercial use allowed)
作者网站: http://www.aringtypeface.com/

:: 分享 Choko 字型

:: 留下您对这个字体的评论

喜欢这个字体不? 您可以发表你对这个字型的任何看法跟任何评论. 但请不要灌水哦.