:: Slasher Film .TTF字体详细信息

字体类型: Fancy, Heading
Slasher Film 字体作者: Iconian Fonts  author website

:: 字符映射表|字元对应表

character map

:: 字体包内容(Slasher Film .TTF字体)

slasherfilmroughcondital.ttf55 KB字体文件下载
slasherfilmroughsemital.ttf55 KB字体文件下载
slasherfilmroughexpand.ttf55 KB字体文件下载
slasherfilmsemileft.ttf53 KB字体文件下载
slasherfilmroughsemileft.ttf55 KB字体文件下载
slasherfilmroughital.ttf55 KB字体文件下载
slasherfilmsemitalic.ttf53 KB字体文件下载
slasherfilmleft.ttf53 KB字体文件下载
slasherfilm.txt2 KB文本文件查看
Slasher Film Font Version 1.0

2022 Iconian Fonts - Daniel Zadorozny


While there are 28 fonts files in the ZIP package, there are really only 15 versions for 2 different base fonts.

The base fonts are "Regular" and "Rough."

The 14 versions for each base font are: Regular, Italic, Semi-Italic, Leftalic, Semi-Leftalic, 3D, 3D Italic, 3D Semi-Italic, Expanded, Expanded Italic, Expanded Semi-Italic, Condensed, Condensed Italic, and Condesned Semi-Italic.

The other 15 files are the same versions but are for the second base font, "Crossbow Head" where each capital letter has the arrowhead on the right of the character.

Note that you do not have to switch fonts in order to get the full arrow effect. Both base fonts, Shaft and Head, have their counterpart capital letters within each base font, and these can be found in the extended Latin character set - use of a character map program will assist in finding these characters.

So users can just use either the Crossbow Shaft or Crossbow Head font and still have access to all of the characters. However, for users who do not want to rely on using a character map, they can still get the same text effect by switching between the capital letters of the Crossbow Shaft and Crossbow Head fonts.

Also, if you want longer arrowheads and shafts, use the ` and ~ characters.

This font may be freely distributed and is free for all non-commercial uses. Use of the fonts are at your own risk. This font is e-mailware; that is, if you like it, please e-mail the author at:

[email protected]
slasherfilmroughcondsemital.ttf55 KB字体文件下载
slasherfilm.ttf51 KB字体文件下载
slasherfilmcondital.ttf53 KB字体文件下载
slasherfilm3dital.ttf93 KB字体文件下载
slasherfilmroughexpandital.ttf56 KB字体文件下载
slasherfilmexpand.ttf51 KB字体文件下载
slasherfilmroughcond.ttf54 KB字体文件下载
slasherfilmital.ttf54 KB字体文件下载
slasherfilmexpandital.ttf54 KB字体文件下载
slasherfilmrough.ttf54 KB字体文件下载
slasherfilmrough3d.ttf95 KB字体文件下载
slasherfilm3dsemital.ttf93 KB字体文件下载
slasherfilmroughleft.ttf55 KB字体文件下载
slasherfilmcondsemital.ttf53 KB字体文件下载
slasherfilmroughexpandsemital.ttf56 KB字体文件下载
slasherfilmexpandsemital.ttf54 KB字体文件下载
slasherfilmrough3dital.ttf98 KB字体文件下载
slasherfilmrough3dsemital.ttf97 KB字体文件下载
slasherfilmcond.ttf51 KB字体文件下载
slasherfilm3d.ttf89 KB字体文件下载

:: 字体信息

字体名称: Slasher Film
字体设计师: Iconian Fonts
字体许可证: Free for personal use
作者网站: https://www.iconian.com/

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