:: PiRhoHerak Schriftart .TTF Details

1 Fonts

:: Charakter Karte | Alphabet Karte

character map

:: Dateiinhalt(PiRhoHerak .TTF Schriftart)

license.txt4 KBTextdateiAnsehen

The font in this file is the property of and copyrighted
by Peter Rempel, and is subject to this liberal, fairly
explicit, and somewhat lengthy license agreement, which you
accept by using the files.

Licensed use:
Like most software, this font file remain the property of the author (Peter Rempel).
You are licensed to use it according to the terms of this agreement, but you do not own them.

Although I have taken care to see that they work, the fonts are
not warranted to work on your system (or even on mine). You use
them at your own risk.

Personal Use
The fonts are free for personal use:
You may use them on any machine that you own or control.
You may alter or modify them, or translate them into any other format
(please note that you may not distribute a modified or translated font--see below).

You may use the font for writing or symbols, on paper, in
another computer application (e.g. a drawing program), or in
any other medium, as long as the writing or symbols are
neither sold nor published.

Commercial Use:
The fonts may be used to produce published printed material
(whether it is sold or not), or printed material that is sold
or done for hire (even if it is not published) if either one
of the following conditions is met:

Payment of a $10 shareware fee that entitles you to use the
font in perpetuity, but only on one computer at a time, or:

Sending to me one copy of each published, sold, or contracted
work in which a font is used. The fonts may be used to produce
images for World Wide Web pages:

Commercial organizations must pay the shareware fee (above).

Individuals and non-profit organizations having pages with unrestricted
access must send me the URL of every page that uses the fonts.

Educators or students with pages available only locally on a single
campus or university system must email copies of the pages and graphics.

All other "intranet" use is deemed commercial,
and the shareware fee must be paid.

The fonts may be included in commercial software after securing
my permission in advance. I will expect:

Acknowledgment of the authorship of the fonts.

Receipt of one registerable full version of the software, to
be used or given away as I see fit.

I may choose to withhold permission to include the font in
software I deem objectionable.

The fonts may be distributed by individuals, bulletin board
systems, FTP sites, WWW sites, etc., without restriction as long

No fee is charged for the fonts (this does not include
subscription or access fees for a bulletin board or online

All files are included.

None are modified.

The fonts may be distributed as part of "shareware libraries",
provided that:

All files are included

None is modified

I receive a copy of every different disk or CD containing my
fonts, to use or give away as I see fit.

If you want to distribute a translated version (e.g., Type 1,
Macintosh Truetype) of one of my fonts, please contact me.

For any uses not covered explicitly by this agreement, please
contact me.

I am always grateful for acknowledgment of my fonts, especially
if you send samples showing how you have used them.

Even if your use in non-commercial, but you would like to encourage me to produce high quality fonts like this one, your $10 shareware fee will be gratefully accepted.

Peter Rempel

P.O. box 26142
Sherbrook Westminster P.O.
116 Sherbrook St.
Winnipeg, MB
R3C 2C0

[email protected]

This license agreement is placed in the public domain. If you
like it, snarf it.

font installation w95.txt2 KBTextdateiAnsehen
To install new Fonts in Windows 95:

Click on start.
Scroll to settings.
Click on control panel
In the control panel window, Doubleclick on Fonts.
The font directory will open up.
In the Font window toolbar, Click on File.
From the pulldown menu, click on "install new font"
A window will appear, marked "Add fonts"
This window has three smaller windows in it
marked "List of fonts", "Folders", and "Drives"
If you are installing the fonts from a floppy
disk, click on the icon in the drives window.
A listing of all your drives will drop down
Select your floppy dive by clicking on its icon (typically drive a:)
If the disk contains several folders,doubleclick on the folders to open them.
If a given folder contains font files, they will be displayed in the "list of fonts:" window.
At the bottom of the "Add Fonts"window,
there is a small box marked "Copy fonts to Fonts folder"
There should be a checkmark in this box.
If there is no checkmark there, click there,and a checkmark should appear
To view a font before installing it, Doubleclick on the TT icon.
A fontview window will appear showing an example of the font in several sizes.
look at the font, and if you wish to install it, close the fontview window, and click on the font name. Then click on the button marked OK.
The selected font will be installed into your windows font directory.
To install several fonts at a time, When those fonts are next to each other on the list,
Click on the first font you wish to select, then press the shift key.
Scroll down the window to the last font you wish to select, and click on it.
All fonts between the two selections will be highlighted.
Click on ok, and all selected fonts will be installed.
HERAKLES.TTF25 KBSchriftartHerunterladen

:: Font Informationen

Schriftname: PiRhoHerak
Schriftdesigner: Castles & Crypts
Schriftlizenz: Free for personal use

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