:: Hooper Dooper .TTF Detalles De La Fuente

1 fuente

:: Mapa De Caracteres

character map

:: Contenido Del Archivo(Hooper Dooper .TTF Fuente)

Nombre del archivoTamaño del archivoTipo de archivoOpciones
Hooper dooper.ttf40 KBArchivo de fuentesDescargar
READ ME!!.txt780 BArchivo de textoVer
HOOPER DOOPER was made by Chris Brown (visual design)

It is not FREE, it is SHAREWARE.
If required to use commercially, please email first.
Chris Brown ([email protected])
A license fee is applicable.

HOOPER DOOPER is not in the public domain and remains the
exclusive property of Chris Brown.

HOOPER DOOPER may not be redistributed in any way. That is:
it may not be distributed commercially, it may not be sold,
it may not be included on any form saleable package,
it may not be converted or renamed,
it may not be made available for download without
the express written permission of Chris Brown.

Chris Brown shall, in no event, be liable for any damages
arising out of the use of this font.

Remember HOOPER DOOPER is not free, it is shareware.

:: Fuente Información

Nombre de la Fuente: Hooper dooper
Licencia de fuente: Free for personal use

:: Compartir Hooper Dooper Fuente

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