:: PostageStamps .TTF Detalles De La Fuente

1 fuente

:: Mapa De Caracteres

character map

:: Contenido Del Archivo(PostageStamps .TTF Fuente)

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postagestamps.ttf207 KBArchivo de fuentesDescargar
kemosabe.txt494 BArchivo de textoVer

This truetype font was downloaded from Kemosabe's
Font Source, the place for high-quality freeware
and shareware Truetype fonts, dingbats and clip-art
fonts. This face is presumed to be non-commerical,
but if you know otherwise, please send an e-mail to
[email protected].

For Kemosabe's Font Source, point your web browser
to: http://kemo.fontaddict.com/

readme.txt1 KBArchivo de textoVer

THANK YOU very much for giving Postage Stamps Dingbats a try.

THE TWENTY-FIVE characters in this font are representations of classic postage stamps. Classic stamps are those stamps issued between 1840 and 1870.

SHOULD YOU ENJOY Postage Stamps Dingbats, please register it for $10. I will send you an extra dingbats font as well as a handy little guide telling you a bit about the individual stamps in this font. This extra font I�m going to send you is pretty darn spiffy and not currently available through shareware channels, owing to its illicit (though always tasteful) nature.

PLEASE NOTE: the final character in this font is created by first pressing �Y,� then �Z.� Owing to the complexity of the final image I was forced to split the image into two characters, with no space after the �Y.� So when you hit the �Y� you get the inside of the stamp, but the �carriage� does not move. When you press the �Z� the outside of the character, the wreath, is stamped down around the inside bust/text portion.

Thank you very much for your support.

P.O. Box 22744
Santa Barbara, CA 93121

[email protected]

:: Fuente Información

Nombre de la Fuente: PostageStamps
Licencia de fuente: Free for personal use

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