:: Torcing Away 2000 .TTF Detalles De La Fuente

1 fuente

:: Mapa De Caracteres

character map

:: Contenido Del Archivo(Torcing Away 2000 .TTF Fuente)

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GemText.txt3 KBArchivo de textoVer
Special edition set for PC
GemFont98 True Type Fonts

Bloodgutter 2000
Kharnorric 2000
Kharnorric Royal 2000
Metal Spagetti 2000
Snott 2000 Bold
Torcing Away 2000

The difference from the originals is a greater set of characters

Conditions of use as of 10/4/2000
These conditions override all previous conditions

This font is Testware, in that you can use it totally free of charge,
COMMERCIAL AND NON COMMERCIAL, without asking permission.

This zipfile must be kept intact, without alterations, if being
transferred via Disk, email, internet, or any other media. It can be
made available for downloading from website.

If you like this font, and feel inclined, a small bequest, gratuity or donation of any amount
you determine to be appropriate to me would be appreciated. This is a suggestion, not a demand,
and in no way affects permission to use this font. Do not feel obligated to send any money if
you do not wish to.

G Meade.
P.O. Box 418
Carnegie, Melbourne
Australia 3163

GemFonts 98 - [email protected]

<<<<<<<< CONDITIONS OF USE >>>>>>>>>

1. This font can be used for personal and commercial use, with the
understanding that this font was created as a hobby and no claim
to professionalism is claimed.

2. It can now be included in any compilation CD's, disks or product.

3. The zipfile containing the font and this text file must be kept
intact, without alterations, additions or deletions.

4. This font can be transferred, stored or made available to other
computers or on the internet/bulletin board as long as no fee or
charge is requested for this service.

5. No warranty is offered, or understood to have been offered by the
supplier of this font, and the risk of any losses or damage from
use of this font remain with the user.

6. The supplier can not be responsible for any problems that may arise
by misuse of the font.

7. The term 'Testware' shall be taken and understood to mean that you
can use the font, without restrictions, in any manner that you wish,
as long as the user understands that the user is responsible for any
legal or moral situations that may arise for their use of this font in
any immoral, racial or illegal way.

8. You may definitely not eat, chew, sleep with, cook, slice, dice, barter,
shop, snort, inject, lick or wear this font. Any mental, health or legal
problems that will arise from attempted use in mentioned fashion are your
problems. I don't want to know, or hear, about your fetish's. (Well, then
again, I need a good laugh now and then.)

Anyway, that's it in total. As stated you can now do as you wish with my fonts, with full
responsibility upon your broad shoulders, but a kindness would be in letting me know
where and how you use my fonts, as I like to know someone out there uses them.
Torcing Away 2000.ttf102 KBArchivo de fuentesDescargar

:: Fuente Información

Nombre de la Fuente: Torcing Away 2000
Diseñadores: GemFonts | Graham Meade
Licencia de fuente: Free for personal use

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