:: Blockschrift Für Flugzeuge .OTF Fonte Détails

1 Polices

:: Caractère Carte

character map

:: Contenu Du Fichier(Blockschrift Für Flugzeuge .OTF Police De Caractère)

Nom de fichierTaille du fichierType de fichierOption
Blockschrift f�r Flugzeuge.txt2 KBFichier textevoir
Blockschrift f�r Flugzeuge.ttf
(installation: Just copy the .ttf file to your Windows/Fonts directory)

This true type font (TTF) is a pretty accurate representation of the codes used on German
aircraft in World War II. It was made according to RLM prescribtions of late 1943.

The code system used on Luftwaffe aircraft was as follows:
Two characters, a Balkenkreuz (Cross) and two letters.
The first two characters indicated the Geschwader (Squadron) and can be two letters or a
letter-number mix. The third character (directly to the right of the cross) indicated the
individual aircraft, while the last character indicated the Staffel/Gruppe (Wing) to
which the aircraft belonged.

For example 9K+EH was aircraft number E of the first Staffel (denoted by "H") of
Kampfgeschwader 51 (denoted by "9K").

Towards the end of World War II the squadron code ("9K" in the example above) was painted
in a smaller size than the last two characters. This is represented in the TTF by using
small characters. The large codes are created by using the Shift or Caps-lock key. Small
numbers are created by using Shift.

NOTE: This TTF was created for US 101 keyboard layout! Shift-# means:

1 2 3 4 5 67 8 9 0
! @ # $ % ^& * ( )

The dash used on civil aircraft (for example D-IBFQ) is included as -, while two types of
crosses are included: + for an early-war Balkenkreuz and = for an late-war Balkenkreuz.

So, to type the code of for example 1H+AN, an early-war Heinkel 111, you must type:


And for 9K+EH, a late-war Messerschmitt 410, use:

(k =EH

As you can see "9K" is in small characters, which means you have to add a "space" to
achieve the right distance between the second characters and the cross!

That's about all for now. I hope you have any use for it.
(If you do, this tiny file will save you lots of time!!!)

Ronnie Olsthoorn

The Netherlands

If you like it or if you have any comments, questions or remarks, please let me know at:

[email protected]
website at www.skyraider3d.com
Blockschrift f�r Flugzeuge.ttf7 KBFichier de policeTélécharger

:: Fonte Information

nom de la police: Blockschrift für Flugzeuge
licence police: Free for personal use

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