:: Franks .TTF Caratteri Dettagli

carattere tipo:
1 Caratteri

:: Mappa Dei Caratteri

character map

:: Contenuto Del File(Franks .TTF Font)

nome del filedimensione del filetipo di fileopzione
Frank.ttf29 KBFile FontScaricare
franks.txt315 BFile di testovista
A sort of Roman hand-drawn serif font, scanned from the characters in
a 1932 poem my father hand-copied and that now hangs in my sister's
bathroom, called "Have you earned tomorrow?" Most of the time when I
read the poem, it seemed to me that I had not earned tomorrow,
but thats life!
[email protected]

:: Informazioni Di Carattere

nome del font: Franks
licenza: Free for personal use

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