:: Drift Type .OTF Caratteri Dettagli

2 Caratteri

:: Mappa Dei Caratteri

character map

:: Contenuto Del File(Drift Type .OTF Font)

nome del filedimensione del filetipo di fileopzione
Drifttype.ttf202 KBFile FontScaricare
Font Info.txt1 KBFile di testovista
All fonts copyright TracerTong/WhoAmI
Contributions to the art of page decoration

These fonts are freeware for independent creation and non-profit use ONLY.
This excludes use by "mainstream" publishers without a license fee.
Use by a "mainstream" publisher (or its employee) and use for commercial
production (e.g. magazine ads, merchandise labels) requires a license fee
be paid to the designer, Paul Reid (TracerTong).

These fonts must NOT be redistributed without the author's permission and
must ALWAYS include this text file in the .zip or .rar file.

Personal use: Donationware: �1 GBP if you like the font and use it :)
This will encourage me to continue to create new fonts

Commercial Use:
Small Company (<25 employees): - �15-25 UK Sterling
(anything in this range is acceptable)

Medium Company (25-50 employees): - �50 UK Sterling

Large Company (>50 employees): - �100 UK Sterling

Enterprise Level (Multinational Companies) - �350 UK Sterling

TracerTong/WhoAmI/Paul Reid makes no guarantees about these font files,
the completeness of character sets, or safety of these files on your computer.
By installing these fonts on your system, you prove that you have read
and understand the above.


For more original fonts visit.

Paul Reid (TracerTong)
[email protected]
Updates.txt61 BFile di testovista
July 19 2010:
Removed redundant glyphs (had old website url)
Drifttype Solid.ttf28 KBFile FontScaricare

:: Informazioni Di Carattere

nome del font: Drift Type
progettista: TracerTong
licenza: Free for personal use

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