:: Teenage Dreams .OTF Caratteri Dettagli

1 Caratteri

:: Mappa Dei Caratteri

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:: Contenuto Del File(Teenage Dreams .OTF Font)

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License - READ THIS.txt814 BFile di testovista
Please read this before using the font.


You may use this version of 'Teenage Dreams' for personal use only. If you wish to use it commercially you will need to purchase a license.

Please contact: [email protected] about pricing.


Created by Jonathan Harris

Copyright � 2014 TattooWoo.com. All Rights Reserved.


For further information, please visit:




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Teenage Dreams.otf216 KBFile FontScaricare

:: Informazioni Di Carattere

nome del font: Teenage Dreams
progettista: Jonathan S. Harris
licenza: Free for personal use
sito web: http://www.tattoowoo.com/

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