:: IRR3V3RSIBL3 .TTF Fonte Detalhes

1 Fontes

:: Mapa De Caracteres

character map

:: Conteúdo Do Arquivo(IRR3V3RSIBL3 .TTF Fonte)

Nome do arquivoTamanho do arquivoTipo de arquivoOpção
IRR3V3RSIBL3.ttf117 KBArquivo de fonteDownload
IRR3V3RSIBL3.jpg74 KBImagem de amostraVisão
Readme.txt524 BArquivo de textoVisão
"IRR3V3RSIBL3" TrueType Font
(c) 2000 by dasklem [www.dasklem.fr.fm]

The personal, non-commercial use of my font is free.
But Donations are accepted and highly appreciated!
The use of my fonts for commercial and profit purposes is prohibited,
unless a small donation is send to me.
Contact: [email protected]
These font files may not be modified and this readme file must be
included with each font.
Redistribute? Sure, but send me an e-mail.

All trademarks are property of their respective owners.

:: Fonte Informação

Nome da fonte: IRR3V3RSIBL3
Autor da fonte: Clément Nicolle
Licença da fonte: Free for personal use

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