:: Lugina .OTF Fonte Detalhes

2 Fontes

:: Mapa De Caracteres

character map

:: Conteúdo Do Arquivo(Lugina .OTF Fonte)

Nome do arquivoTamanho do arquivoTipo de arquivoOpção
Lugina FP-Light.ttf24 KBArquivo de fonteDownload
READ THIS.txt1 KBArquivo de textoVisão
By installing or using this font you agree to the Product Usage Agreement:

1. The user agrees not to sell, share, distribute or send the product to other persons or computers, nor upload on Internet or any network what so ever.
2. The user will not recreate, imitate or base own work on the product.
3. The user agrees not to use this font in any commercial or profit making contexts, or in any relation to anything/anyone striving for profitability.
4. The user will not in any way lie about, try to explain away or cover up misuse of the product. This includes ignoring or giving false answers to questions about origin of the font, rights, and possession of the license.
5. The user understand that removing an illegal commercial use or other misuse of an unlicensed version of the product will be viewed as an attempt to cover up misuse if not immediately reported to Azmi Kamarullah.
6. The user takes full responsibility of all use and misuse, and by not following this agreement, the user agrees to pay any penalty charge calculated by Azmi Kamarullah as well as eventual legal costs.


This font is for PERSONAL USE ONLY. You could buy this font with commercial lisence by contacting me via email - [email protected]


see my blog to see another font
Lugina-07.jpg137 KBImagem de amostraVisão
Lugina FP-Heavy.ttf28 KBArquivo de fonteDownload

:: Fonte Informação

Nome da fonte: Lugina
Autor da fonte: Azmi Kamarullah
Licença da fonte: Free for personal use
Autor site: http://typewhatyouloveandletitkillyou.tumblr.com/

:: Distribuir Lugina Fonte

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