:: Rx-ZeroFive .OTF Детали шрифта

Тип шрифта:
Rx-ZeroFive создатель: Apostrophic Labs
1 шрифты

:: таблица символов

character map

:: Содержание файла(Rx-ZeroFive .OTF Шрифт)

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Prescribe Me.txt438 BТекстовый файлПосмотреть
The true type versions of RxMM are really minute compared to the multiple master that is available on the same where you downloaded this file.

If you would like more information on the use or development of multiple master fonts, you can find a lot of it in the developers section of Adobe's web site (www.adobe.com).

If you don't give a damn about multiple masters, enjoy these true type fonts and spread them like disease.

RxZF__.ttf51 KBФайл шрифтаскачать

:: информация о шрифте

имя шрифта: Rx-ZeroFive
шрифт автор: Apostrophic Labs
Лицензия шрифта: Free for personal use

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